Since our collection is built through the generosity of others, The Divinely Preserved Healer accepts new, rare, and gently worn books, rare items, and other significant materials that enhance and enrich our current collection and meet the metaphysical learning needs of our membership.

Our interests include but are not limited to topics such as Alchemy, Alternative Health, Ancient Egypt, Astrology, Atlantis, Christianity – original and modern-day, Buddhism, Comparative Religion, Consciousness Studies, Crystals & Gemstones, Dead Sea Scrolls, Future-Life Regression, Hinduism, Karma & Reincarnation, Magic/k, Meditation, Mythology, Near-Death Experiences (NDE), New Thought, Parapsychology, Past-Life Regression, Prophecy & Divination, Tarot, Theosophy, UFOs, Yoga – you name it, we probably want it!

Due to space limitations, all gifts to the library are accepted with the understanding that if said items does not fall within scope, it may be donated to charity, withdrawn, and/or sold at a discount price to provide much-needed revenue for purchasing new, relevant materials.

If you would like to make a donation, please use the online form below to tell us about your donation. We thank you in advance for gift/donation and return the blessings a hundredfold.

Library Donation Agreement

Please complete the form below if you'd like to donate relevant items to our metaphysical library.

NOTE: Acceptable of all donations will be received at pre-arranged days/times.

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