🪷 Primary Holistic Services:

Choose one of our these three base (or primary) holistic wellness services.

Holistic Nutrition / Herbalism

Interested in exploring if the right foods, vitamin or mineral supplement to help you reach an optimum level of health and vitality?

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Holistic Nutrition / Herbalism

Life-Wellness Coaching

Done your own health-related? Want support to jumpstart your journey through small changes to improve your condition/situation?

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Life-Wellness Coaching

End-of-Life Care

Received a terminal diagnosis but aren't sure where to start? Need a third-party to carry out your final wishes?

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End-of-Life Care

🪷 Secondary (Add-On) Services

Add-on a secondary service to compliment your base package.

Private Yoga

Group classes too intimidating?
Hectic work-life schedule?
Feel safer at home than in a group? Comfortable with using technology?

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Private Yoga

Energy Healing

Surrounded by stagnant energy? Feeling drained or blocked physically or emotionally? Ready for an healtheir energetic flow?

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Energy Healing

Intuitive Readings

Are you a lightworker (or starseed) needing clarity or confirmation from God/Source? Various spiritual tools are utilize to shed light onto your path.

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Intuitive Readings

🪷 Holistic Health & Research Lounge

Factual musings for an awakened consciousness of #dphealer. Also, check out previous blog postings here.

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🪷 "Live & Learn" Listening Lounge

Already down the rabbit hole, then welcome. Not there but ready, dare to be awaken! Also, check out our previous podcasts here. 🫶

No One’s Savior

“You can’t change a toxic person, but you can change how much time and energy you invest in them.” ~Anon. In this episode, The Divinely Preserved Healer explains how there are no karmic shortcuts. Even …


Suffering is Optional

“Suicide does not end one’s suffering, it only prolongs for the next lifetime.” ~dphealer In this episode, The Divinely Preserved Healer shares a spiritual download for chosen ones who feel out of sorts with Planet …


Chosen Ones, Guard Your Heart…

“Guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.” ~ Proverbs 4:23 In this episode, The Divinely Preserved Healer shows a download on the importance of guarding your heart from those you …


🪷 New Here? Wondering Where to Start?

Has the current climate changed your views on healthcare leaving you eager to explore options in contemporary and alternative medicine?
Let's discuss your health challenges and how you would like to tackle it in a low-cost pre-consultation. Click BOOK HERE to sign up and gain access to our secure client portal.

🪷 Got Questions?

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