Located in northwest Louisiana (USA), Jaketha Farmer, The Divinely Preserved Healer, provides telehealth wellness services to clientele throughout the continental USA (except where prohibited by law). Sessions are delivered 100% online and are conducted through a secure video conferencing platform. As contemporary and alternative health providers, we are not licensed medical professionals and thus do not bill traditional insurance. Payment is due at the time of service unless otherwise stated.

STEP 1: Pre-Consultation – Depends on Service/Package

Once you are ready to begin working with us on what we hope will be the journey of a lifetime, you’ll start by signing up for your desired service. A Pre-Consultation, Book Now, or Sign Up link is on all service pages either in the right-hand column (if viewing on a computer) or at the bottom of the page if

Once you have signed up for an appointment (and paid your $55 pre-consultation fee for select services only), you’ll receive an appointment confirmation email with links to essential forms, disclaimers, and other waivers that you’ll need to electronically review or complete before the third calendar day before your pre-consultation with The Divinely Preserved Healer.*

All requested forms and waivers must be completed and signed within three calendar days of your pre-consultation. Failure to complete the appropriate forms and releases before your virtual appointment may result in an automatic cancellation or deletion of your account with us. Once submitted, we’ll invoice you for our low-cost pre-consultation fee and non-licensed medical professional disclosure acknowledgment (as required by Louisiana law) within one to two business days before your appointment. That acknowledgment form must be electronically signed along with paying for the pre-consultation fee before your consultation.

Pre-consultation fees are extended to non-members and appear for all coaching services and private yoga sessions.

STEP 2: Initial Intake/First Holistic Evaluation – via a Paid Service/Package

If, after the pre-consultation, we agree to work together, we’ll finalize your coaching agreement and schedule your first initial consultation. For example, A nutrition client must complete a health history questionnaire before their initial intake. This intake session is conducted 100% virtually and typically lasts anywhere from 30-90 minutes and could be extended across several hour-long discussions to get a complete snapshot of your health history. This first step lays the foundation and helps to pull out any significant factors that could serve as successes or weaknesses in healing.

STEP 3: Crafting Your Holistic Wellness Plan – based on a Paid Service/Package

We’ll compile a personalized holistic health plan as your questionnaire, and other assessments are analyzed against your holistic wants, needs, or goals. The depth of your program depends on your package. If you are strictly a holistic wellness coach, then we do not provide a personalized holistic plan. (Why? Here’s the difference between nutritional versus wellness coaching.) As. Holistic wellness clients, we will only provide general guidance on nutrition, herbs, vitamins, and supplements, along with lifestyle options for restoring balance, creating conditions for total healing, or developing peace of mind, harmony, and acceptance of total healing is not possible.

“The Universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want you already are.” ~Rumi

STEP 4: Let the Sessions Begin…

Here’s where it gets fun! We met based on your schedule through on-demand, self-paced, or live telehealth sessions. Depending on your package, you could work on your personal goals one week while I extend remote energy healing, while the next, we’ll meet online for a quick discussion or yoga session. It’s dependent on your needs per our coaching agreement. Nevertheless, you are always in the driver’s seat.  We are here to help you truly see how far you’ve come since day one and remind you that you possess all you need to reach your desired outcome long after we part. As quoted above emphasizes, the universe is inside of you. In other words, “You got this!”

STEP 5: Goals Met…What’s Next?

So what’s next, you might be wondering? Well – absolutely nothing! Yes, we have a paid, online members community that provides wellness reports on familiar topics and on-demand access to yoga sessions by Jaketha. But you, beloved, are under no obligation to join it. We don’t believe in stringing you along from package to package, offer to offer. Once you’ve reached your desired goals, we hope you’d stay connected; if not through the online community, then join our mailing list subscription and social media platforms – both FREE! Then, if you ever need our services, we hope to be right here, ready to serve you as best we can!

*Due to the nature of our services, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone whose holistic needs exceed our capabilities. If known, we will provide referrals to those who may be better equipped to help you to meet your contemporary and alternative healthcare goals. However, any referrals made are not an endorsement, so please do your due diligence to ensure a provider is right for you.

We help conscious career-oriented women (and men) interested in prioritizing their self-care by breaking free of limiting beliefs that prevent them from living Flourished, Replenished, Enriched, and Evolved (F.R.E.E.) in your mind, body, and spirit.

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