How much do blood test costs?

Through our third-party laboratory partner, blood chemistry tests* range from $52 to $220 when discounted. Aside from the test fee*, you may also be responsible for either an $8 standard draw fee* or a $68 premium draw fee* – it just depends on where you have your blood work performed.

We charge an order fee (or a non-client convenience fee), which allows non-clients to obtain blood tests without having to have a working relationship with us. Please note that the order fee is an extra fee for using our service to conveniently purchase blood work and lab tests without the need for a physician. However, the order fees do not constitute any working client-practitioner relationship. Only by signing up for the appropriate bloodwork analysis services within Healthie is such a relationship established.

In lieu of an order fee, we may also provide a separate consultation fee, which would be the same as our regular fees plus an 8% processing fee imposed by our laboratory partner.

*Fees can vary and are based on costs as of 6/12/2023

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